San Francisco moments

I have been in San Francisco the last few days and heading back east today.

After all these years it still feels funny to get off the plane at SFO and take a cab to the hotel instead of our little apartment.

NYC, continued

It was grey, cold and a bit raw in New York City yesterday. But rain or shine I love that city and while I visit nearly every week, it feels different every time.

I also was happy to finally meet Cubby Graham. Cubby is one of the most positive people I have ever met. He’s an amazing photographer and does wonderful work at charity: water. Over a cortado, we exchanged stories about our lives, our loved ones and how we got here.

I’m thankful for meeting Cubby and look forward to seeing him again soon.

We came back home last night. Everyone is sleeping in our house since their bodies are still on mountain standard time.

I’m enjoying an espresso and thinking about our trip. 

This was one of my favorite mornings on the mountain. We took the tram to the top and found some great sun and snow. 

(As they say, the best camera is the one you have with you. On this morning I decided to only bring the iPhone)

The most unexpected and exciting thing about the iPhone 5S

Last Friday, along with 9 million other folks, I purchased a new iPhone. 

I bought the iPhone 5s in black. It’s sweet. The biggest appeal for me was the improved camera, higher performance processor and the M7 —Apple’s “motion co-processor”.

And after a few days I’m quite happy with my new phone. It’s all in a package that is familiar, improved and fast. Just what I wanted. 

When Apple first announced the iPhone 5s, they also announced TouchID. I thought it was a gimmick. A cheap thrill that would demo well but wouldn’t matter in the real world. 

Since Apple introduced TouchID, various wrinkles have emerged. Government officials are looking into the privacy ramifications. And engineers have figured out how to hack it. 

But it still feels like a game changer to me and I believe Apple will address the wrinkles. I have it turned on and I use it to access to my phone and the App Store. It works every time. Doesn’t matter if it’s my left thumb or right thumb (you can connect to other fingers but thats how i set mine up). I also set up my phone so it works with my son’s thumbs as he uses my phone to play games from time to time. 

For me, it’s fast and accurate. It sure beats punching in a code or not having security. I really hope that Apple makes this available to developers to incorporate in their mobile web and native apps. 

I didn’t care about TouchID when I picked up my new phone and now it’s the thing that has me most excited.