Why I blog?

Scott Kirsner has an article in the Boston Globe today about venture capitalists that blog and don’t blog.

I’m quoted in the piece along with other VC friends of mine. Scott also follows up his article with a post on his personal blog, Innovation Economy. In his follow up, he has a video with me and some other folks on the subject too.


First and foremost, I don’t consider myself a “VC blogger”. I don’t talk about venture capital/business exclusively. Or even most of the time. Those that read/interact with this blog know that. This blog is about me. All of me – work, personal, family, everything.

My blog is about getting my thoughts, observations & interests down on digital ink. But this blog is also about the feedback from you all. The conversation is a big reason why I keep blogging. The feedback comes in so many different ways. Sometimes its a link from another blog. Sometimes it’s when I meet someone in person that has read my blog. Or I’ll get an IM or Twitter after a post. Mostly I get email feedback & less frequently I will get comments after a post. And I’m learning along the way.

The new friends I discovered thru blogging has been wonderful. Even better are the existing “offline” friendships that have deepened in a special way.

Why do I blog?

I blog because I love it.

Why I blog?

So, what does your dad do?

Lauren and I went to the Open House at Sophia & Ellie’s school last night.

Sophia’s teacher told us that many kids surprisingly don’t actually know what their father or mother’s profession is all about. That is, they may know that their dad or mom is a lawyer, but what does he/she do all day? Or what does a venture capitalist do all day?

He asked for volunteers to come in on a Friday morning and explain what we actually do. So, I signed up. I think it will be fun. My day is in a few weeks.

Maybe i’ll have the kids come up with startup ideas. Like a junior version of Y combinator day by 8year olds. No holds barred.

One thing I learned from coaching 3rd grade soccer is that I better prepare for this. Or these kids will eat me alive.

I’ll let you know how it goes.

So, what does your dad do?

Ellie’s message

My Ellie (5) lost another tooth yesterday.

She called my cell phone to let me know the exciting news. But I missed the call.

My voicemail is automatically transcribed by Simulscribe and sent as an email.

Here’s the message. That Ellie is so cute.


From: mailbox@my.simulscribe.com <mailbox@my.simulscribe.com>
To: Bijan Sabet
Sent: Fri Sep 14 16:50:14 2007
Subject: SimulScribe from (978) 443-7181 at 04:43PM 09/14/2007
Hi daddy.  It’s (Elli?).  Just wanted to tell you that my tooth came
out.  I’m very excited.  So, I really wanna know when you come home
tonight because I really have a special thing, it’s called a tooth that I lost and mom pulled it out.  It was super fun and I was smiling and
it was bleeding and that’s it.  I love you.  Bye daddy.  Bye.  Bye
daddy.  Bye daddy.  I love you daddy.  Bye.  Ciao.

Ellie’s message

Wallstrip Blackberry Contest

Henry Blodget and Fred have a sneak peak of the Wallstrip Blackberry Rematch that took place this morning in NYC. This originally started off with Fred challenging me to a rematch of the first Blackberry dork-a-thon.

But I had no idea about the surprises that our friends at Wallstrip had in mind for us.

It was a lot of fun and I’m nervously waiting to see the actual show.

It wasn’t pretty…

Wallstrip Blackberry Contest