The family meeting

Yesterday we had a family meeting.

Lauren called the meeting. The topic: how was 2013 for each of us and what do we want to do better as a family in 2014.

There were no arguments or debate allowed for this meeting. The idea was just to let it rip.

The stuff that came out of the kids (ages 14, 12 and 7) touched me to the core.

I’ll leave out some of the very private topics but some of the others included

-one daughter not feeling she gets enough time with her sister
-someone not happy with my travel schedule
-philanthropy as a family effort vs individual
-better ways to communicate vs just “tattling” to the adults

It’s hard to get this level of discussion happening around the dinner table during the year sometimes. Things are busy and with 5 people it can get into a free for all much of the time.

I’m so glad we had our family meeting yesterday. Much for all us to reflect on and how we can get stronger together next year.


I have been on vacation for the past week with my family.

And while the time off has been a blessing, I confess that I truly didn’t feel like i was on vacation until yesterday. That was when my head and heart went clicked into place and I was taking in each moment. 

I wish I had a better way to get to this place faster on vacation. Maybe this time of year is just so busy that it takes awhile to fully downshift. The kids schedule was nuts the last month. Work was busier than ever. At the same time I’ve been training for the marathon.

So I have another week before the crazy starts all over again. I have been reflecting on what I want next year and beyond. At the same time I’m trying to let go and not rush & try to figure out so many unanswered questions either. It’s all a work in progress. 

It feels mighty fine to detox. When the kids get up we are going to explore this place and then I’m going to go for a run. 
