via bryc3:

Very cool post on the hand drawn beginnings of some of the web’s favorite services. This particular picture was that of Jack Dorsey’s concept for a service called, which later became twttr and is now twitter.There’s something powerful about beginning a project or capturing an idea by putting pen to paper.

There are plenty of other sketches to explore here.

via Boing Boing

I forgot about this drawing. I saw it last year on Jack’s flickr page and made this insightful comment at the time :)

I’m In Like With You

I’m thrilled to announce our latest investment. We led the Series A in an early stage company in NYC called I’m In Like With You (or IILWY) along with our friend John Borthwick at Betaworks, Ron Conway & Marc Andreesen.

IILWY is a social gaming company that since December has released 4 fun games and many more to follow.

The games are a blast to play. They are casual mulitiplayer games. Works in a browser, nothing to download. And it happens in real time. My favorite game right now is Gemmers.

IILWY was founded by Charles Forman. I’ve been really impressed with his creative and technical abilities to get this product off the ground and being enjoyed by so many users in a short period time. And he did all of this with a modest amount of angel financing from YCombinator, Betaworks and Ron Conway and the help of a small group of killer engineers.

So if you like social games but don’t have time to make a committemnt to WoW and the like, then give IILWY a try. And you can play against me if you want :)

And starting this week, you can now invite friends to play using Twitter like I did here. It’s integrated with the game play.

Have fun!

Space Wrangler – Widespread Panic

My song of the day inpsired by Bob Lefsetz letter “Track of the Day”. You should read the entire letter but I love when he says:

Listening to “Space Wrangler” is like having your best friend drop by unannounced and insist you get in his car for a road trip.  The automobile’s not a Ferrari.  It’s probably not even a convertible.  And a movie star is not sitting in the backseat.  But staring out the windshield, you’re in heaven anyway.  Thinking that being alive is so fucking great!  Thinking about the unknown, contemplating your adventure.

Weezer cover Radiohead’s Creep, live in Portland from Dave Allen on Vimeo.

reblogged via perpetua:

Weezer and Weezer fans perform a cover of Radiohead’s “Creep.”

Some people bitch about how Radiohead rarely perform this song anymore. Personally, perhaps selfishly, I think that’s kinda bullshit cos they DO play it, I’ve seen them perform it five or six times between 1997 and 2003. They play it about as often as any band on their seventh album should feel they have to play a song from their first record. Either way, they don’t really NEED to play it. It’s out there, it belongs to the world. It’s the song everyone covers, it’s the one that’s always at karaoke. It doesn’t really belong to them anymore, you know? It’s not as though they haven’t given their fans dozens of other reasons to come to their shows.

This was the first song I played on Rock Band. It does belong to all of us now.

Great video.