Hopeful about the future of Tumblr

Eight months ago, I made the switch to WordPress. I couldn’t bear it anymore. And honestly I was bracing myself for a possible shutdown of the service by Verizon given their lack of interest or understanding of Tumblr.

WordPress has been great. It’s a rock solid platform and I control my little part of the web over here.

But I miss the Tumblr. I miss the simplicity and elegance. I miss the ease of adding multiple photographs to a single post. Or finding great music. But mostly, I miss the community.

Last week, something very exciting happened to the world of Tumblr. The company behind WordPress acquired Tumblr.

As I wrote on Twitter the day the news broke, I am really happy about this news and hopeful about the future of Tumblr.

Perhaps I will switch back soon.

Love you Tumblr.

A new episode of Hallway Chat

Nabeel and I started our little podcast when we were both working out of the same office at Spark and would spend time in between meetings in the hallway chatting about things on our mind. We hit the record button and made our first podcast seven years ago.

Our recording schedule has been ad hoc to say the least but I’m happy we still do it from time to time. Yesterday we sat down and recorded our 31st episode of Hallway Chat. As usual we started talking and just hit the record button. Sorry about the audio quality, I didn’t have my good microphone with me. Anyway, here is the two of us talking about things on our minds lately including:

-is VC pattern recognition actually valuable
-what does the decline of the iPhone mean to Apple’s future
-the potential for single purpose electronics
-challenging the dogma of “winner takes all” markets in startups.

Hope you like it and please send us tweets (@bijan or @nabeel) with suggestions for a future episode :)