Korea, day 7

Yesterday we had overcast skies which made brought on a much welcomed slightly cooler temperature.

We started the day early and left Andong city and visited Gyeongju, the ancient capital of Shilla Dynasty for 1000 years.

Within Gyeongju is a famous Buddhist temple called Bulguksa Temple. It is amazingly beautiful to walk the grounds and imagine life as it once was. There are still people praying and meditating in various rooms in the temple.

Close by is Cheomseongdae which is the oldest astronomical observatory in Asia. It is a stone structure constructed in the year 647! It had been used for observing the stars and forecasting the weather. Next door was a garden with an endless sea of wildflowers and lotus blossoms. It was truly stunning.

We didn’t see a single American over the last three days. Funny enough I noticed it but lauren didn’t and I don’t think the kids have either.

After dinner I spent time on Twitter and Kakao catching up on the latest North Korea/South Korea conflict news. I am pleased the two sides have begun some level of discourse.

It may be blind optimism but I hope they can make peaceful progress.